This is a tool to help you learn about the symptoms of systemic mastocytosis (SM).
SM is a rare disease affecting approximately 32,000 patients in the U.S. (or 0.01% of the population), which results in the overproduction of abnormal mast cells (a type of white blood cell).1 When mast cells accumulate and become overactive, the buildup of these cells in different parts of the body may lead to symptoms such as rashes, bone pain, and diarrhea. While these symptoms can be associated with other conditions, the combination of multiple symptoms in different parts of the body is commonly reported by people with SM.
Not an actual patient
Symptoms depicted are illustrative only
This quiz provides more information about symptoms associated with SM and can assist you in having meaningful conversations with your doctor. This quiz is not a diagnosis and only a doctor can determine if your symptoms may or may not be suggestive of SM.
Take a few moments to better understand your symptoms. Ready to get started?
BEGIN THE QUIZLearning more can help you along your journey. Here are more topics that may help.