Could systemic mastocytosis (SM) be hiding in your symptoms? Take the quiz to learn more about the signs and symptoms of SM.
TAKE THE QUIZNot an actual patient
Symptoms depicted are illustrative only
Could systemic mastocytosis (SM) be hiding in your symptoms? Take the quiz to learn more about the signs and symptoms of SM.
TAKE THE QUIZSystemic mastocytosis (SM) is a rare condition where abnormal mast cells (a type of white blood cell) build up in different parts of the body, resulting in a variety of symptoms. It is estimated that approximately 32,000 people in the U.S. (or 0.01% of the population) may be living with SM.1
LEARN ABOUT SMMultiple symptoms across different parts of the body could be connected, even if they seem to be unrelated. From skin-related symptoms such as rashes, flushing, and swelling, to symptoms like nausea, cramping, pain, fatigue, and more — your symptoms could be adding up to something.
LEARN ABOUT SM SYMPTOMSBecause people with SM can experience symptoms differently, getting a diagnosis is not always easy. The journey can be different for everyone. Research shows that some people visit multiple doctors in their search for answers.
Learn about DiagnosisNot everyone's experience with SM is the same — it seems no two people have exactly the same symptoms or triggers. They may not even see the same kinds of doctors. However, people with SM may find more similarities than differences when they hear the stories of others.